Executive Director (15-20 hours/week)
The Executive Director will guide the organization forward to ensure long-term sustainability and growth, while maintaining CAN's mission and founding principles of volunteerism, recreation, and community integration in a small group setting. This is a "big-picture, captain of the ship" position. The Executive Director will possess strong networking and strategizing skills, provide guidance to CAN's Leadership team, and delegate responsibilities as needed to keep our programs running smoothly and our partnerships, community relations, and fundraising on track.
The Executive Director will need to have schedule flexibility for community networking events, and will be expected to be on-site 2-3 hours/week to collaborate with staff. The Executive Director will lead quarterly Administrative Board meetings to present reports and updates, and will lead bi-annual Advisory Board meetings.
- Commitment to philosophy of community integration for individuals with I/DD.
- Availability for community engagement, such as Chamber of Commerce networking, partner events, and other opportunities to increase visibility and collaboration.
- Positive leadership style, encouraging teamwork and support among staff.
- Excellent communication skills, and ability to speak in front of small and large groups.
- Master's degree (or equivalent experience) in business, special education, social services, or related field.
- Minimum of 5 years’ experience in a supervisory role.
- Salary range: $40-50/hour, depending on experience
Executive Director (strengths: networking, strategizing, leader, sees big picture)
Oversee and monitor organization as a whole. Recruit and supervise leadership team.
Monitor financial health and collaborate with CFO to ensure fiscal sustainability.
Represent and speak at CAN fundraisers and parties.
Community Engagement
Build relationships with potential donors.
Manage CAN’s Community Events.
Represent CAN at Chamber of Commerce as well as non-profit networking organizations.
Guide and assist staff with creating new Community Access locations.
Board Liaison
Coordinate and lead bi-annual Advisory Board meetings (includes Admin Board members).
Restructure Advisory Board to encourage increased commitment and funds.
Represent CAN in media features.
Grants and Fundraising
Oversee writing and submission of grant proposals. Goal of $30,000 per year in grant funds.
Goal of $20,000 per year in corporate sponsorships.
Develop project proposals based on CAN’s needs.
Determine appropriate fund requests.
For more information, contact Sherry at 630-460-7098 or sherry@communityaccessnaperville.org